
Sachs Covered Bridge - near Gettysburg PA Real Haunted Place

  • Waterworks Rd
  • near Gettysburg, PA
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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Built in 1854, the Sachs Covered Bridge, also known as Sauck's Bridge, spans over the 100 feet long Marsh Creek. Locals report haunting experiences can be found here like a strange fog that would gather quickly and the appearance of ghostly figure in battle would appear. There has also been images of orbs in photos taken of the bridge.

The bridge was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1890. During the American Civil War, both the Union and Confederate Armies utilized the bridge during the Battle of Gettysburg and its aftermath.
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  • Definitely haunted!

    While visiting Gettysburg in June of 2024 we paid for a midnight ghost tour. Sachs bridge was our first location and it did not disappoint! We were there for about an hour or so around midnight. We sat in the middle of the bridge and just tried to talk to whom ever would answer. The guide had a digital dictionary that the ghosts can pull words from. My husband was talking about coffee and cigarettes then lit a cigarette. I was listening to the dictionary with headphones and when he lit his cigarette I heard someone ask ‘you got a light?’ During the same time I decided to take a few pictures of the far end of the bridge. One of them was a video and the camera kept zooming in and out as I was filming. I was lucky enough to catch an apparition on film manifesting and disappearing. Also a few still shots of the apparition as well. As we sat there we also took a few light up cat toys and set them on the ground where no one could disturb them. As we were talking about the bridge and asking questions the cat toys lit up as if in answer to questions specifically about the bridge as if the entity was proud of the bridge. Overall an awesome experience! Thanks to Malcolm from After Dark Investigations!

    Posted 2/21/25

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  • Great haunted location!

    I've been here numerous times while visiting Gettysburg. The area out here is my most favorite ghost hunting location. I've had numerous experiences while at Sachs bridge. One time we were there on the other side of the bridge and some other people came. We decided to prank them and scare them. We proceeded to split into 2 groups and hide behind the stone walls on either side of the bridge while we waited for them to come across. As they came across we moved around the wall, and got ready. And what happens? A dark shadow figure comes walking out from the bridge right past us. Needless to say the ghost got us all and we all ran for our cars, the strangers included, lol.

    Posted 1/25/17

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  • Amazing Experience of our lives!!

    My husband & I visit sachs bridge every august..last august at night we & a few other fearless people were out taking pics around 12:30am..we struck up conversations w them & to all of our amazement we heard what sounded like a "battle cry" off in the distance across from the bridge in the woods..we were shocked but then a few minutes later we all heard it again this time followed by the sound of drums..we took pics & did catch a few orbs that cant be explained by weather or camera lenses, or functions thereof. It was an amazing experience and we will never forget it!!

    Posted 8/5/16

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Visitors to this page: 4,109
Last edit to this listing: 8/4/2016 (3155 days ago)

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