
Gettysburg Battlefield - Gettysburg PA Real Haunt

  • 1195 Baltimore Pike
  • Gettysburg, PA
  • 717-334-1124 ext.8023
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Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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The Gettysburg Battlefield is a historic place where the Civil War occurred. When the land was battleground in 1863, it resulted in 51,000 casualties and thousands more were injured. It's a place visited for its history, but also for its haunts. It is believe to be one of the most haunted places in Pennslyvania.

Paranormal teams have detected what appears to be a Union soldier walking into the woods and disappearing suddenly. Others account of sightings of ghost soldiers and sounds of battle including guns and cannons firing.

Many claim ghost sightings are most commonly encountered in the period buildings, including the Farnsworth House Inn, the Jennie Wade House, and Gettysburg College. Devil's Den is also believed to be haunted by soldiers of battle from the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The hill was used by snipers during battle and because of its layout snipers were able to hide behind rocks for a sharp shoot. Those who perished here did not find a final resting ground and therefore many believe their souls did not find peace, resulting in the hauntings. After battle a cameraman and his assistant also took it upon themselves to move some of the dead men for better shots. Now those who visit may experience their camera and other electronic devices malfunctioning or photos developing with the presence of apparitions or blackness.
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  • The Drums

    I went to this location on a haunted tour with my Mom. We were in the Town near a college...cannot remember the name. I remember hearing drumming and because it was nearly Halloween I thought the drumming as a parade or football game but I don't believe there was any events at the time. I asked my Mom if she heard the drumming and she agreed. Afterwards I realized there was nothing around the area but battlefields. The sound was definitely coming from far away...only battlefields.

    Posted 3/10/24

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  • September 6,2015

    We were on the battlefield at dusk when we saw a lone confederate soldier walking along the road by himself. I looked at him as he walked by he didn't acknowledge us in the car. His skin was grey when he walked by everyone in the car said did you see that,when we looked back he was gone. We go there alot we do the ghost tours and we always have an experience.

    Posted 9/14/15

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Contact Phone #: 717-334-1124 ext.8023

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Last edit to this listing: 8/16/2015 (3509 days ago)

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