
Jennie Wade House - Real Gettysburg Haunted Place

  • 548 Baltimore St.
  • Gettysburg, PA
  • (717) 334-4100
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Real Haunted Houses, Real Haunted Museums
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Yes - Open To Public
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The Jennie Wade House is now a tourist attraction that sports a bullet hole in one of its doors, where Jennie Wade herself was shot by a stray bullet that entered her home during the Battle of Gettysburg. Stories say that women who put their finger through the hole will soon be proposed marriage, a gift from Jennie herself, who was killed before she had the chance to get married.
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  • Weird experience

    Several years ago my husband and I went to Gettysburg for a long weekend. At the Jenny Wade house during a tour we went upstairs. There are two rooms and the wall that separated them was knocked down but some of it still remained.You had to step over it. As soon as we did,as the tour guide was talking,I felt dizzy and nauseous. I told my husband i was going downstairs that I had to leave. As soon as we got down the stairs I was fine. It was a horrible feeling.

    Posted 4/29/20

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  • Eerie

    When I was about 8 years old we went on vacation to Gettysburg and my parents bought me a book about Jennie Wade in the hotel lobby. I read it cover to cover and was FASCINATED / DRAWN to her. Naturally, I begged my parents to take me on the tour and on our last day we finally went. When we went inside the house I had a heavy panicking feeling in my chest. I felt dark, upset, nervous, and feeling the urge of "we need to leave" (basically what I can now describe as a panic attack). As an adult, I am a believer in spirits, past lives, etc and wonder if what I felt was a sensitivity to a spirit. Definitely a strange feeling. Definitely worth checking out.

    Posted 3/18/19

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