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Dixmont State Hospital - Real Haunts in Dixmont PA

  • Ray Rd and Huntington Rd
  • Dixmont, PA
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Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Opened in 1862, the hospital once was called the "Department of the Insane in the Western Pennsylvania Hospital of Pittsburgh." It was closed in 1984 and demolished in 2006. The hospital was a general hospital that treated all types of illnesses, including the insane. Before it was demolished, it stood empty for 15 years and its administration building was destroyed by a fire. It is believed to be haunted by many spirits. One notable spirit is that of a man who would appear guarding the morgue area.
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  • Awesome, but gone!

    I grew up not far from here. I drove around the grounds a few times, but I knew what it looked like inside & out before I went there and I have no idea how. Weird, I know! I went there in the late 90s. My friend lived in an apartment at the end of the entrance road and I would go drive around sometimes because it made me feel nostalgic and again I have no idea why! lol Anyway I drove around the grounds as they weren't blocked off then. They did get chained off around 2000. It was sadly damaged with graffiti and many windows were broken out completely or had rocks thrown through them leaving holes. The road around the grounds drove under this weird covered metal access bridge they used to take supplies in (if I remember correctly it connected the kitchen with the main building) It had huge windows in it down both sides of the bridge and was pretty rusted. Parts of the building had started to crumble but other parts were perfectly fine. Some parts of the campus were still in use like a small building at the front of the entrance and a caretakers home was still standing but not in use. I didn't enter the any of the buildings as it looked like all the doors were chained closed. Now only the cemeteries remain. There are two separate plots and the former site of the building is just a big field. I don't know how the access is as I have no desire to go there now that the building is gone, but I heard the cemeteries are open.

    Posted 1/9/25

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  • The landslide

    Rumor has it that after the building was demolished because they were going to build a Walmart at this site. The ground mysteriously shift after said to be safe by inspectors. People claim the spirits of the old hospital caused this. Route 65 was blocked for nearly a year after this and then Walmart backed out

    Posted 10/21/24

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  • This place is demolished

    This location no longer exists as it was demolished

    Posted 10/7/21

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  • No longer there

    Dixmont was torn down years ago. I lived a few minutes from the hospital, went to go nose around to find it was all gone.

    Posted 8/12/18

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Visitors to this page: 5,197
Last edit to this listing: 6/27/2016 (3194 days ago)

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