
Hundred Acres Manor

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Pittsburgh's Top Halloween Tradition, Hundred Acres Manor, brings you a whole new vision of horror and fun all within one haunted house in Pittsburgh, PA! Your favorite Halloween tradition features a 6 themed haunted house sections as one LARGE walk-thru with add on attractions like escape rooms, burial simulators, beer gardens AND MORE!
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All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Hundred Acres Manor
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Located 20 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh - Hundred Acres Manor Haunted House is tucked within the woods South Park. Only a short drive from West Virgina and Ohio Hundred Acres Manor is your go-to haunted house this Halloween season.

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  • Email Verified Scary, in depth detail.

    Visited for the first time this year. Even with VIP tickets you are taken in in large groups. This to me is very disappointing. Unless you manage to separate yourself not everyone has the best scare experience. It is highly detail oriented and has some amazing props. There is not much actor interaction other than the jump scare. Some scenes are totally de-viod of actors and lots of mechanical props are used. That being said it was scary, but I would not go back again. It is not a multiple visit in a season type of place.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2016

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  • Well Worth the Money

    I have visited Hundred Acres Manor for years now. The detail in the sets, story lines and even what the VOLUNTEER actors are saying is amazing. We need to take a step back and just think how they are a NON-PROFIT and compete with the largest haunts in the world. Their new Vodou section for 2015 was AMAZING and honestly their best yet. The set detail and overall appearance of the attraction is perfect. If this level of creative detail and attention to sets and storylines is the direction Hundred Acres heading they are unstoppable. The Vodou is simplistic beauty and I suggest everyone in the area to go visit. I know they have new escape rooms. I was not able to purchase a ticket for them because they sell out well in advance but I was talking with some people who have done them and they said Hundred Acres Manor has the best escape rooms in Pittsburgh. I am excited to go back this November and try them.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: 45-60 minutes
    Time Visited: After 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: No
    Posted October 2015

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful


    Last year, and this year, I wanted to visit as many haunted houses as possible. Last year I visited Hundred Acres, and was very impressed. The place was huge, and everything had great detail. Even though the zombie paintball was really dumb, it didn't take away from the actual experience of going through the house. After going to Scarehouse this past weekend, I was highly unimpressed with their quality of house, and am planning to go back to Hundred Acres because I thought it really was that good.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2015

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • verry detailed and scary

    I was with one of the toughest and biggest guy i know and we both screamed with terror the scaryest by far and if u say ur wernt scared that is a lie

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted June 2015

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • not impressed

    1st time going here and figured something called 100 acre manor would be a huge place. wow was we wrong its all in a small layout. the detail and water effects were pretty cool but the couldnt even scare an 11 year old girl on her 1st haunted experience :/ if you like walking through to look at the work put into haunts it would be a must see but if you want scared i wouldnt so much reccomend. Paint ball totally pushed us in a bad review for this place. totally not impressed. very cheap equipment and it was horrible. paint balls dont even break on impact they were laying all over the ground. this will be a place we most likely will not return too

    Posted September 2014

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    0 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • OMG Details! OMG I peed!

    Yes this haunted house has everything! 100% worth the money! Details down to the smallest prop, walls look amazing, the maze was crazy! They have the big robots but the actor out perform them by a long shot! The make up on the actors is sooo good! GO get the crap scared out of you!

    Posted October 2013

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Not worth the money, waste of time.

    Very dissatisfied, I paid $18 and wasn't scared once. Very cheesy animations, the place smelled like a litter box. I would not recommend going here unless you want to have a good time with you're 4 yr old child...that bad!!!!

    Posted October 2013

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Very detailed, very awesome, very scary, very fun

    This place rules

    Posted September 2013

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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