
301 Devil's Playground

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Commercial / For Profit
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Haunted Houses, Haunted Trails, Scream Parks
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If you are looking for the scariest haunted attractions in Maryland & Delaware, 301 Devils Playground has 5 terrifying haunted attractions that will bring your fears to life.

Prepare to scream as we have The Barnyard (new for 2024), The Harvest, The Barn of Torture, 3-D Phobia and House of Hell! 5 haunted attractions you do not want to miss. Plus, music, food and lots of entertainment.

Come visit the scariest haunted attractions the Eastern Shore has to offer, 301 Devil's Playground in Galena, Maryland.

A trail of pure horror and madness!
A trail through the corn where darkness awaits and whispers are heard. The stalkers are lurking and ready to steal your souls.

Local twin boys were hired by the judge to manage the farm. These boys had been in a fire at age 7 and were burned badly on their faces. The locals would make fun of them so bad, that the mother kept them locked up in their basement. But the judge looked passed their disfigured faces and let them help on the farm. It was said that the judge would use the boys to help him find rich victims and bring them back to the farm so he could skin them alive. Sometimes their skin wasn't what he was looking for so those victims were left for the boys to torture by cutting them up or burning them…Some of the locals still say today that you can hear screams and weird noises coming from the farm.

A 3-D blacklight experience like no other.. Come face your fears in 3-D Phobia, 301 Devils Playground's all new haunted attraction

There was a well known judge from up state that got caught taking payoffs from criminals. One Criminal he let go was a mass murderer who preyed on the rich and skinned all of his victims alive. One October night the killer captured the judge's wife Mary. Skinned her alive and bought her back to her home, leaving her on the step for the judge to discover in the morning. Soon after his wife's death the judge went crazy. He sold his home and purchased an old farm in Galena Maryland, where he would live for the rest of his life along with his loving wife Mary's body. Some of the locals say he buried her on the farm and some say he keeps her in the house. It's still a mystery to this day. In October 1972 the judge was accused of kidnapping a Delaware Women, the story goes that he is looking for human skin to put on his loving wife Mary's body.
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