
Welles House - Wilkes Barre PA Real Haunts

  • 46 S. Welles St
  • Wilkes Barre, PA
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Strange deaths and tragedies have occurred at the Welles House, a property that's been compared to that of the Amityville Horror house. The home was originally built for industrialist Augustus C. Laning. Odd occurrences of death include Laning's nephew being killed there during a fire when lightening striked the barn. It ignited a fire, and left his nephew trapped under the body of a horse. Other reported incidents include a man dropping dead while walking in front of the house for no known reason, two suicides and four deaths at the house when it was a rental in the late 19th to mid 20th century, as well as residents suffering from mental and physical illnesses. Haunting events like sounds of footsteps, moans, shrieks, and blood spots appearing on the living room wall have also been reported.
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  • Omg we were terrified!!!!

    So me and my brother visited this house just to see if we saw anything so we parked my car on the side and walked up to the house we wanted to see if we could see through the windows or something… it was very dark out as soon as we started walking to the side of the house we heard something walking fast toward us it came from the back of the house to the side where we were immediately me and my brother knew something was off so we started running back to the car and left quicker than sonic the hedgehog lol… but seriously no one was there we could visibly see no one was chasing us but it sounded as if someone was char hung toward us we could head the rigs and grass and thumping like if they had on heavy boots but no one there we were so terrified because it shook us to our core!!!! Clearly that presence did not like us being there…. Very scary…

    Posted 2/22/23

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  • Would like to see and check it out possible in purchase

    Please contact me regarding this home

    Posted 11/27/19

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  • Beyond Haunted

    Came to PA to visit 2nd time here. Heard about the WELLS house, ans thought it would be so cool to check it out. 1.Came to the house and instantly the weather changed from very warm to very cold. Directly outside of the home. 2. As we came up to the house(in the car never got out) the room to the far right on the 2nd floor had what looked like a set of glowing eyes. 3. Decided to take a few pictures of the house 2 without flash and 1 with flash. The images that i have are phenomenal. The front door of the house has a glass along the top of 4 seperate pieces of glass. In my picture there are several faces in every glass including what looks like a clown/devil with a glowing red horn in the center of his head. Ive never scared myself as bad as i have.

    Posted 6/26/19

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  • A visit to the perimeter of the Welles house

    I walked the perimeter of the house and of course it was boarded up and I would not enter a secured property. I would however like to investigate the house and would like to find out who the current owner is and if they would be agreeable to this. Please contact me through my email if you would be able to help me My name is Joe and my email is below this letter Thank you

    Posted 5/20/19

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  • Brittani Paranormal

    Me and my crew spent 2 nights in this house. Alot of personal expierences ..sickness, dizziness, feeling of dread and saddness. Didnt really catch anything on EVP. EMF spikes on staircase. Alot of my crew felt like they were being watched and were not supposed to be in the house. We plan on going back as a part 2 in 2019

    Posted 9/22/18

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  • I know this house very well

    I know this house and the history very well. First Laning's nephew wasn't killed at this house but at the farm in Hunlock Creek area. He was trapped under a horse after lightning struck the barn. I know the owner of this house and he has done Paranormal investigations there where he has caught many unexplained things. John Zaffia, aka the godfather of the Paranormal also stayed at this house and said it was infested with negative energy. After the investigations were done, the owner offered the house to me and my husband to buy. I was interested but my husband was set against it!! Since then, the house has been boarded up and no one has been there.

    Posted 7/3/17

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    12 out of 14 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 12/29/2015 (3374 days ago)

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