
The Inn at St. Peter's Village - St. Peters PA Real Haunted Place

  • 3471 St. Peters Rd.
  • St. Peters, PA
  • (610) 469-2600
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This establishment dates back to 1881 and was originally built as the Excursion House. It became the inn in 2005 and is rumored to have been a place where foxes were raised in the basement to supply the local huntsmen. There are several spirits that are said to linger here, one is a ghostly infant who has been heard crying and the apparitions of an elderly man bending over can be seen in the halls or on the street in front of the place. The second floor is supposedly the location where a woman once hanged herself, her footsteps have been heard along with creaking sounds.
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  • Didn't Know it was haunted until right before bed.

    I've had ghostly experiences throughout my life so I wasn't scared and asked for God's protection. Just as I drifted off to sleep, I woke up to knocking in the far right hand corner of the stone room. It sounded like several knocks on something wooden. When I woke up suddenly and rose out of bed, my husband asked what was wrong. I said I heard knocking, did you? He said yes. We went back to sleep. We heard the same knocking sound 2 more times throughout the night. I found this site and was looking to see if anyone else had an experience like this.

    Posted 7/21/24

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  • Yes, it is haunted.

    I have been in and around the outside of St. Peter's Inn. The first experience was about four years ago now. I was driving home from teaching a class at one of the shops in the village, it was nighttime and as I was driving up to the front of the Inn, A plasma looking figure walked across the street from the parking lot, and into the inn. The second encounter happened two years ago. I was staying in the Stone room on the second floor, back side of the building. My spouse and I were in the room for less than sixty seconds when I felt a force move through my energy field. It moved through in slow motion, it felt female and like she was looking at me, then it shot off through the back wall.

    Posted 10/1/21

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Saint Peter's Village haunting.

    I lived in a house in the village when I was 5. There was three two story houses in a row. Will I lived in the house the house to the East of us was never occupied. One summer night I was on our porch and at the empty to the East was some kind of small looking baboon looking apparition was on the house porch. I started in disbelief and finally snap out of it and ran inside nit telling no one. I know that kids imaginations are large, but why did that shape a ghost appear. I may never know.

    Posted 4/18/20

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Last edit to this listing: 4/18/2016 (3263 days ago)

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