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State Theatre Center of the Arts - Real Haunts in Uniontown PA

  • 37 E Main St.
  • Uniontown, PA
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Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Theaters
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The State Theatre Center For the Arts in Uniontown is home to the famous ghost of J. Fred Osterstock. He managed the company that owned the theatre until his death and he is remembered every year with the FREDDY Awards for high school theater students. Osterstock's ghost has been spotted wandering around back stage.

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  • Harmless haunting at the Uniontown State Theater

    I was attending my daughters dance recital on May 21, 2023 . I was having to get up often to help her change into different costumes so I decided to sit up in the first floor balcony so as not to disturb others attending the event. While seated alone watching the recital, I felt something brush the back of my head not once but twice. I ignored them both times thinking nothing of it. However, a third time occurred in which my hair moved with a very obvious flick of my hair and I thought for certain a person was standing behind me pranking me. I immediately turned around to see who swished my hair and there was absolutely no one there. There were no fans or air conditioning. Nothing near me that could explain what I had just felt. I looked around and under the seats to find no one. I immediately left the balcony area and told my family of my experience. I feel very certain something or someone that I could not see brushed my hair three times. No harm or injury occurred but I definitely felt as if a haunting had just occurred.

    Posted 5/24/23

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 955
Last edit to this listing: 4/15/2021 (1419 days ago)

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