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Phillips' Ranger Monument - Real Haunted Place

  • Captain Philips Monument Road
  • Northwest of Saxton, PA
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Real Haunted Cemeteries, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
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During the Revolutionary War a battle occurred on these grounds. It was the Iroquois who fought on behalf of the British. The rangers were outnumbered by the natives and eventually surrendered. Many of the rangers were tortured and then slaughtered while tied to trees. Many say their spirits continue to exist here, and they make there presence known especially on the anniversary of battle (July 16).

The monument to remember this historic event was built in 1926 and is located about a half mile east of the Hester blockhouse.
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  • former neighbor

    I don't want to give too much detail for fear of being dox'd. There's not many homes up there. I lived off of this road in one of those homes. This place is full of stories that as an adult, my mind still can't wrap around what I've seen, heard, and witnessed. I know when you stray too far into the woods (or did it's been quite some time since i've been back to that area) behind and to the left (facing it) of the memorial, those woods have always been cold and pretty dark - even in the middle of the day. I've been led out of those words by a man with long black hair and only his bottom was covered. i remember how his long black hair moved and he told me not to come back in broken english. i figured he lived in one of the shacks up on the ridge. wasn't until years later i learned only an old man had lived up there and he rarely came down that side. There is this hair raising feeling of being watched while you're there. It's not so bad if you stick to the road but the moment you enter those woods, even now, hundreds of miles away, i get shivers just thinking about it. sure some could be written off as buck snorts or sounds traveling but as a child who played in those woods, sometimes it was downright scary. I never saw that man again but i also never went back into those woods. Even looking at those trees made my young heart race and the last time i was back in the area and showed ppl where i had grown up - i couldn't turn my back to that side of the forest nor could i look at it. Was it a childhood fear or something else? IDK. I never felt scared at our house or in the yard but up by that memorial? You were out of there before sunset.

    Posted 8/7/24

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Last edit to this listing: 1/4/2016 (3369 days ago)

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