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Hotel Bethlehem - Bethlehem PA Real Haunt

  • 437 Main St.
  • Bethlehem, PA
  • (610) 625-5000
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  (1 review)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This historic hotel is known to be "ghost-friendly" and even offers ghost tours and "Room with a Boo!" ghost weekend packages. A ghostly young girl is known to reside here and has been spotted in a window. She is believed to be the granddaughter of a former owner. A woman dressed in period clothing has appeared in the dining room and kitchen and witnesses have reported cold spots, shadows, apparitions, reflections in glass and mirrors, and their names being called or their shoulder being tapped by an unseen presence. Objects have also been known to move around on their own.
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    My boyfriend and I stayed here for a weekend at the beginning of October 2020. We were able to sleep in that morning, it was a 2 hour drive to the hotel, we had an early dinner at the Tap restaurant in the hotel and while sitting there waiting for our food I watched my battery on my phone die quickly... went from 26% to 6% in about 45 minutes. Very unusual especially since I wasn't really using it and it doesn't even die that quickly when I am on it. Then after we walked around the area we came back to our room and was immediately drained. We usually stay up to midnight or later at home, but when we laid down in bed we were both out before 10pm! We slept until 8am and felt like we got hit by a bus when we woke up! we had breakfast, did more touring, came back to our room to wait for our tour at 4:30pm and CRASH! We fell asleep again around 1245pm until after 3:30pm... again we woke up extremely tired and achy. That night, same thing - as soon as we get back in the hotel we were so tired we crashed before 11pm, woke up a few times in the middle of the night - arm hurting with no explanation as to why. We were up at 8am with bags under our eyes and our entire body feeling like we haven't slept in days. Very interesting and strange. The town is beautiful with a lot of history. Energy was dense in the hotel and I feel like it was draining our energy as well as the electronics we had with us.

    Posted 10/17/20

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Contact Phone #: (610) 625-5000

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Visitors to this page: 2,317
Clicks to Website: 274
Last edit to this listing: 4/18/2016 (3266 days ago)

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