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Henryville House - Henryville PA Real Haunt

  • Corner of Rt. 191 & Rt. 715
  • Henryville, PA
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A beautiful hotel once stood on this site and was well known as a haunted house when it sat unused for years. It has been reported that at least 9 different ghosts resided there, including 5 women, 3 men and a child. The spirits were said to be quite friendly and are believed to be gone now that the building has been torn down. It is also believed that there is a Native American burial ground nearby, which may add to the eerie occurrences here. The location is now a business and is no longer a hotel.
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    I never believed in haunted houses 100% until me and a group of friends snuck in the Henryville house. At entry a black cat lept from a 3 inch hole in the lower level window. Ice cold rooms, the ball room was so damn erie, the noises we heard from upstairs were real... People died leaving that house

    Posted 7/16/24

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  • Henryville house abandon entry

    Back in the day before it was demolished, some friends and I would frequent the old henryville house in Pa. The old hotel, rich in history was a place of haunt and you could feel it. Upon entry, via an old tree stump, you felt the every vibe immediately. Rooms that would feel cold and uninviting, to areas that were almost HOT. HOT, EVEN THOUGH it had been abandoned for years. Our experiences there were memorable. They stick with me to this very day. There is a sadness in me since the day it was torn down and some store or some unmemorable spot was built.

    Posted 12/22/22

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  • Henryville house indian burial ground.

    Was recently watching a documentary and they did an interview with a native American historian. He made a really great point about so called Indian burial grounds. He said that technically the entire country is an Indian burial ground. Native Americans were burying there dead on this land for a long, long time before white men stole it. You'd be hard pressed to find a spot where natives haven't died, either naturally or by other means. If their spirits had the power to harm the people that destroyed their way of life then we would all be dead or at least driven insane by now. On a side note, the henryville house is boarded up and it's private property. The police will arrest you for trespassing there. I know this from personal experience.

    Posted 1/15/22

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  • Henryville house

    I used to live in it back in the late eighties my dad rented a living space in the bottom of the building that still remains my uncle rented another living space down the hall from us with my cousin from my experience yes it is haunted but not buy 9 ghost it was just one a female who hung her self in the stair well at the far end of the building that is still there if I can remember it was the original owners wife and she was not friendly all you heard most nights was banging on the floor up stairs and walking back and forth but no one stayed upstairs it was full of left behind artifacts junk and pics of the property from when it thrived well anyway the one night she was really making a ruckus I got mad told her to stop then she made my bed shake like crazy I called my dad in and got her to stop at the time we called her henry her last name of course an other freaky experience was when my cousin and I were rutting around the up stairs we were checking out the old pics we heard foot steps coming near us then the old Christmas ornaments that were stored up there started flying across the room my cousin and I looked at each other and ran and that was during the day I'm pretty sure she's still around another good place is the buckhill inn but that's a whole other story

    Posted 10/19/20

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Visitors to this page: 4,283
Last edit to this listing: 4/14/2016 (3268 days ago)

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