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Harrisburg State Hospital - Real Harrisburg Haunted Place

  • Cameron and McClay Streets
  • Harrisburg, PA
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  (13 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Hospitals & Asylums
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Opened in 1851, the hospital was originally known as Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital and operated under that name until 1937. Reports indicate it was a site of violent poltergeist activity. The hospital closed in 2006 when downsizing took place for Pennsylvania's public mental health system. The property is now used a general office space by a variety of state agencies.

Reports at the hospital include screams, strange noises, shadows, apparitions and footsteps. The areas at the hospital that are said to be most haunted are the morgue, basement and tunnels that are located underneath the basement. The exam room in the morgue is said to sometimes have blood-like stains that are found on the floor out of nowhere.

The hospital has been featured on an episode of Ghost Lab, where the team of experts explored the location.
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  • Beware of the tunnels under the Hilltop Building!

    From the basement room beneath the old Hilltop building, there is a small alcove room beyond a locked steel door. Small and not very spooky at all. But, the second metal door that is along the one wall, when opened, will reveal a long, narrow dark tunnel extending downwards underneath the hill where the main building stands. This damp corridor, with its tangled network of old steampipes, electrical and water conduits, stretches away to the Westerly direction, beneath North Circle Drive toward what was once called the Willow Oak Building, having housed the elderly male and female residents on two floors. Just before the building, underneath the parking lot, the tunnel turns sharply to the South, with a branch-off tunnel to the right, connecting up to the basement under Willow Oak. By continuing past that jointure, one could proceed forward to another turn-off on the left that would lead to the hospital's power plant building. If continuing on in a straight direction, however, you could make the cautious journey through the subterranean labyrinth to eventually arrive at a stairway ascending up to the street level outside of the old laundry building to the south on the hospitals grounds. While making the trek through the darkness of this creepy tunnel system, perhaps you, too, may hear the faint voices and feel the icy breeze that I felt during my experiences within those dark, damp catacombs!

    Posted 12/13/23

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  • Weird

    I went here with my mom and some very odd things happened. We went into the chapel and it was very very smoky and one of the doors had a foot print on it and a fire extinguisher was in the middle of the room don’t know what happened but it was weird. Then I was walking down a path and tried to take a photo and my phone would not focus my moms was perfectly clear and you could see down the whole path but not on mine as I started walking I felt extremely sick. The place is beautiful but creepy and there are people watching it so if you go be careful because you could get in trouble

    Posted 10/16/23

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Been inside

    I went with my sister her friends, managed to get inside and look around, was on the roof for a bit, nothing out of the ordinary even after dark. Most scary part of trying to get of the slippery roof without dying.

    Posted 9/9/23

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  • I am A youtuber and went to explore this place

    hello i am a youtuber by the name exploring with matthew i went there to explore and i heard all the stories but never got inside but i took a video of my experience there

    Posted 5/17/21

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    3 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • "Response to was a patient" posted 3/27/20

    I was there two days ago on October 28th it was around 11: 50 stayed there until about 12:45 and I plenty of photos and I have a picture of what it looks like a guy in a mustache like you described and with a hat on super creepy on my Instagram and Facebook at Gavin McNaughton I'm from Perry county PA originally recently moved to Harrisburg that's not all at building 32 to the left of the sign for OMI working out at the windows on that side of the building if you're facing the handrails I saw the dark shadow figure walking in front of three windows on the outside not on the inside and immediately my eyes started to water up posted photos to Facebook group Pennsylvania abandoned and haunted places somebody else found the two figures in my picture before I did!!!

    Posted 10/30/20

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    4 out of 5 found this review helpful

  • Concept 90/90day stay

    I stayed on the grounds for 90 days for alcohol treatment when I was 19yrs old back in 1991. I never experienced any apparitions, sounds or smells. However, I will say this is the creepiest place I have ever been. There is a presence I can not explain like a pressing down. (Oppression) is the best way to put it. It’s everywhere inside outside always present. After being discharged I would sometimes go back for group meetings. When ever you come on the grounds the oppression presents begins and when you leave it feels as if it lifts. After a few times of that I stopped going. Also, I always felt like I was being watched.

    Posted 8/30/20

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    9 out of 11 found this review helpful

  • Want to go

    Does anyone know who to contact to get permission to explore this place?

    Posted 8/16/20

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • I was a patient..For real this place is 100% for real haunted..

    I was a patient at C90 for 3 months and I am here to tell you this has to be the freakiest place I've ever been too..I saw people..Heard screaming!! And the tunnels reek of something ..

    Posted 6/24/20

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    3 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Was a patient

    I was in Harrisburg State Hospital for 5 years. To say that it's haunted, just doesn't really cut it in my opinion. Like others have said there were footsteps, and apparitions. Personally I've heard and seen both. However what really always spooked me was the tunnels. When I had to go to different places that the weather really didn't allow, I went through the tunnels. When I was down there I always felt like someone was watching me. There are little rooms down there that were being used as storage. Old furniture and things were in the rooms. One time, I saw a shadow in one of them. Scared the bejeezus outta me. Depending on my mood I would just talk to them. I'm crazy so no one thought I was talking to ghosts for real. I would only say something like, "Ok, I'm down here so leave me the he** alone." If I would have to go down there alone I kinda ran but at the same time thought it was a cool feeling. I could go on and on about the different experiences I've had there. But I'll just give a snapshot. There was a man in a window in one of the closed up buildings. He was turn of the century (1900's) clothing and the mustache most men favoured then, I had something in my bedroom, I've seen civil war soldiers...Yeah Harrisburg State Hospital is truly haunted

    Posted 3/29/20

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    10 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • my scary experience

    me and my friends wanted to vist so we did and when we was on top of the stairs we heard screaming from a man like he was trying to leave but we ended up looking the place up to down and nobody was there but it seemed so real

    Posted 6/29/19

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    5 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Worked there.....

    Worked there years ago. I slept over one night after working a double shift. They gave me a room on an empty floor that had the old operating room & was said to have a resident friendly ghost. When I was unpacking my bag I clearing heard footsteps come up the hall to my doorway, like the sound someone wearing bedroom slippers. I called out & then I heard the same foot steps hurry away at a fast pace! I didn't sleep a wink.

    Posted 7/8/16

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    9 out of 10 found this review helpful

  • So cool!

    My mom works here and I've been in the tunnels it's pretty freaking cool.

    Posted 7/5/16

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    0 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Awesome

    I want to go to this place so badly.

    Posted 7/5/16

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    1 out of 3 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 6/27/2016 (3192 days ago)

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