Red Balloons Spotted Around Town of Lititz Ahead of "IT" Movie Release
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September 6, 2017 By Chelsea T.

We're just two days away from the release of the new "IT" movie and a small Pennsylvania borough has noticed something strange. Red balloons have been popping up around the area, tied to sewer grates.
The balloons could be a prank, and according to CBS News, The Lititz Borough Police Department said officers "want the local prankster to know that we were completely terrified as we removed these balloons" tied to sewer grates across town.
Some folks weren't sure why the balloons were there, while others knew exactly what they symbolized, sharing the news all over social media. The creative prank comes after one single balloon was spotted in the window of Stephen King's home in Bangor, Maine almost two weeks ago. And who could forget the clown sightings that took place in a number of states last year?
We're thinking Stephen King has some serious fans out there who are excited for the movie, or is it a clever marketing idea of his own? Either way, the Lititz Police Department reminded the public that "wearing a clown costume is not a crime, but the person wearing the outfit should remember to act responsibly."
So, be prepared... as we may see some creepy clowns around the area before, and maybe even after, the movie gets released.
"IT" hits theaters this Friday, September 8th. Will you be checking it out? Let us know in the comments below!
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